Tuesday, February 22, 2022

What is B2b online marketing?

Headless Commerce

Produce personalized buyer peregrinations for the new- age buyers using the severed headless armature. Figure knitter- made, unique, smart and effective noncommercial results using 250 API endpoints. Integrate seamlessly with your chosen ERP, CRM, POS systems, account software etc. .


Improve your B2B branding and offer an effective value chain to your guests by concluding for white-labeling for your B2B ecommerce platform. Use your brand name and totem in the frontend as well as the backend of your B2B website. Make all your dispatches and announcement tools ingrained with your totem to get better ROI from your marketing sweats.

MACH Architecture

Go for out-of-the-box B2B ecommerce results with the power, inflexibility, dexterity and speed of MACH (Microservices, API-first, Pall-Native, Headless) armature for ecommerce. Use the MACH armature to make and gauge B2B ecommerce results for large-scale businesses in record time without disturbing your current business model or overflows.Multi Vendor Marketplace. Give a winning edge to your noncommercial business by bringing together B2B buyers and merchandisers on your multi seller business. Onboard multiple merchandisers and manage their products, orders, payouts and commissions with easy tools. Use, engage and work your dealer network as merchandisers on your B2B business.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Give a winning edge to your noncommercial business by bringing together B2B buyers and merchandisers on your multi seller business. Onboard multiple merchandisers and manage their products, orders, payouts and commissions with easy tools. Use, engage and work your dealer network as merchandisers on your B2B business.

B2B Portmanteau/ Credit Operation

Get a complete portmanteau operation point to make buying and dealing easier on your B2B business or store. Set up store and fidelity holdalls where your B2B ecommerce guests can store and redeem their fidelity prices, store credits from refunds, cash tails or trade advances. Set up different portmanteau rules to add credits to the portmanteau. Fluently manage full and partial refunds directly through your B2B ecommerce store portmanteau

Pricing Comparison

Help your B2B ecommerce guests make informed business and purchase opinions with the pricing comparison point. Keep your guests happy by enabling them to get quotations from different merchandisers, compare costs, added services etc. and make a final purchase decision that stylish suits their conditions.

Custom Stoner Roles

Secure your B2B ecommerce platform by assigning grainy stoner places and access to different situations of druggies on your noncommercial gate. Have complete control over the different situations of druggies and make it easy for admins to replicate and produce analogous and same stoner places for different druggies in your B2B company.

Multi Store Management

Setup and manage a network of multiple storefronts ( position- grounded, product line grounded, client member grounded etc.) for your B2B ecommerce business. Customize each storefront with unique URLs, themes, force, pricing, abatements, checkout options, dispatching etc. for different druggies. Control all your storefronts and their operations fluently from a common central admin.

Speak The Language Of Your Dealers

65% of B2B ecommerce buyers prefer content in their native language. Convert your noncommercial website into multiple languages to connect better with your domestic and transnational guests. Get full support for RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrewetc. for static as well as dynamic content. Use the power of language-specific content for better marketing and advanced transformations
Multi Pricing

Offer customized multi pricing grounded on client login on your B2B portal with inbuilt pricing overrides point. Plan better cost operation and profit perimeters by offering custom prices to different guests grounded on their order volume, order frequence, geolocation or any other factor. Grease multi-currency checkouts for better transnational transformations on your B2B website

Form Builder

Use a variety of inbuilt or custom-made forms to gather needed inputs from your B2B guests. Speed up your business processes, gain fresh information and perceptivity into client/ stoner conditions and ameliorate your marketing ROI by setting up dynamic forms as and when demanded. Customize your forms with special field types and enable announcements on all forms to keep all parties informed about form cessions

RFQ ( Request For Citation)

Make your B2B deals cycle briskly and conversion- acquainted by managing your quotations more with an inbuilt RFQ point. Fluently process colorful RFQs automatically by assigning them to the applicable merchandisers on your B2B business. Help your noncommercial buyers make better purchase opinions by giving them the option to compare, accept, reject and choose from the stylish RFQ responses offered by the merchandisers.

Bulk- Order Processing

Save time and make your B2B ecommerce business processes more effective and error-free with bulk order processing. No need to go for repeated primer processing, use the one-click bulk order processing to handle hundreds of orders in one go.

Duty Rule Machine

Get an important duty machine that gives you complete control over colorful levies applicable on your B2B ecommerce buyers, merchandisers, products, locales etc. Make duty computations simple and easy by automating a variety of multi-tier levies for your vast B2B ecommerce roster. Get full support for all the factors of GST (CGST, SGST and inter-state IGST) for noncommercial buying and dealing on your B2B business.
Tiered Pricing. Fluently apply and manage tiered pricing on your B2B business. Set up and manage a variety of multi-level prices (like volume- grounded pricing, rule- grounded prices, min- maximum volume grounded pricing, client member or client-specific pricing) to attract different buyer parts and boost your profit periphery.

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